
Thursday, December 5, 2013


I would like you to know that there are 2 kinds of riches. Luke 16:11:

Luke 16:11
11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

There is true riches and there is false riches. We have true riches and we have false riches - If there are true , then there must false too! True riches and false riches.

I read a data  ... years ago, I think a 1986 data that about 80 percent of Americans owe more than they own, they owe more than they own - that is false riches. What is it? False riches! You have it and it is not really yours, and people think that it is yours, that is false riches. But God has reserved for us, true riches, the one that is constant under any condition. Come on, say, "Constant".

There is access to constant riches. Everybody say, "Constant riches" ... it is there all the time.

The question is, "How do I connect with this provision?". It is there. How do I connect with such provision?

It has been proved all through scriptures that spirituality, is the biblical platform for true prosperity. Spirituality, is the biblical platform for true prosperity. Spirituality, is the biblical platform for true prosperity. It is constant.

Pick on the young man or lets start with the young man called, Abraham. Abraham, was so much in touch with God, that God could direct his practical steps. You better understand this:
"Lord said unto Abraham" ... and Abraham knew that he was the one God was speaking to. His spirit man was effectively alive, he possessed a buoyant spirit. In fact, God called him, "His friend." (Isaiah 41:8). And you know, God is a Spirit and so for someone to be His friend, he must be highly spiritual. Abraham was a friend of God because, "Two cannot walk together, except they be agreed" (Amos 3:3)
And he was in command of true riches - not only true when he was here, but true for generations after him, and still true til today. Spirituality.

Think of a young man by name, Joseph. He carried God's presence, visibly. And the testimony is, "And the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and favour before his master ... and he was a prosperous man in the household of Potiphar, his master" (Genesis 39:2,21). The Lord was with him.
And you know what the Bible says, Jesus speaking, He said, "He that sent me is with me.. for I do always those things that please him" (John 8:28-29). So, for God to be with you, you must be a spiritual man, operating by what God says. Now, he was prosperous man as a slave. Everybody say, "Constant". Then he was promoted to the prison , and in verse 21 (Genesis 39:5,21), the Bible says, "And the Lord was with Joseph" Now, as a slave, he was prosperous. Say, "Constant-true riches". As a prisoner, he was prosperous prisoner. What a paradox. Constant, constant, constant.

"Commanding Prosperity In Austerity" ... there was no worse economic situation for Joseph than to be a slave.  And then worse still, a prisoner. A prisoner has no property, he has only prison uniform. But he became an official of the prison. They committed everything to him, he determined what food the other prisoners were going to eat. And whatever was done in the prison, Joseph was the do-er of it. Constant-true riches, constant-trues riches. I would like you to connect with it. It will help you live above what goes on here. Constant. Spirituality is the biblical platform form for true prosperity. "And God was with him and he was in the household of his master, Potiphar"... God was with him and He gave him favour in the eyes of the keepers of the prison, and they made him an official of that prison.

So,it is not the economic situation that makes situations worse for people, it is their lack of connectivity to God. Spirituality is the biblical platform form for true prosperity.

Think of Job, a man that feared God and eschew evil, a perfect man. We have not talked about his giving at all. He worshipped God, he offered sacrifices, and then he became the greatest man of all in the east. Job 1:1-3.
Now, you see, a man that feared God - he was in touch with Heaven! Spirituality! He went on, in Job 13:15, to say, "Even if He slay me, yet will I trust in Him - I am not serving Him for things, I am serving Him for who He is". He was a man deep in God, he wasn't a man playing games.

The covenant is not a game, it's a walk. It is the quality of your walk with God, that make all the difference. "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him, I will maintain mine own ways before Him" (Job 13:15). "I am not a visitor to God, I belong to Him, in life and in death" .... that is what distinguished Job. And he asked, "But was that constant?". Oh, yes ... the Lord gave him twice as much as he had before. He was the greatest before the challenge, and he became the greatest after the challenge, because his spiritual roots were very deep.

Spirituality is the biblical platform form for true prosperity. I would like you to please understand this, it will help you a lot, in dealing with challenges of life in this season!

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