
Friday, December 27, 2013


1) Addiction to the Word

We believe everything in existence is word-controlled.
We also believe that the Word of God is the carrier of His power.
The Word engenders breakthroughs, imparts healing and enforces deliverance among others (Heb 1;3, Lk 10:41-42, Ps 107:20, Lk 5:1-8, Ezek 37:1-14;

2) Commitment to Prayer and Fasting

This we do and encourage. Congregationally, we fast weekly on Wednesdays for spiritual reinforcement. It provokes fire for our faith and strength in our walk with Him. (Isa 58:5-12, Mk 9:29 );

3) Addiction to Divine Direction

This church is not only a divine mandate, it is consistently divinely guided. Doing nothing except it is commanded, has been a major source of our strength (Deut 32:9-14, Isa 48:17-21;

4) Dedication to Kingdom Stewardship

We emphasize Kingdom service as a vital key to supernatural blessings. (Ex. 23:25-26 ).
Our labour in the kingdom is what determines our wages here on earth. ( Lk 10:8, Job 36:11, Heb 6:10 );

5) Addiction to Giving

Giving is part of our worship and we do it to express our love for God. (Ex 23:15, 1 Chron 29:3 );
It is the key to social, material and financial prosperity.
We recognize that raising an altar of sacrifice provokes divine intervention for breakthroughs, terminates plagues, crisis, etc. (Ps 126:1-6, 2 Sam 24:24-25 );

6) Addiction to Thanksgiving and Praise

We see this as a command and practice it doggedly. And we believe that thanksgiving played a vital role in the exploits of Christ.

Due attention is given to praise and ministering to ourselves in Psalms and Hymns ( Col 3:16, Eph 5:19 ). In line with this, the last Sunday of every month is set apart for special end of month thanksgiving and praise to God. (Mal 2:1-2, Jn 6:11-14, Jn 11:1-44 ).

We also observe the 1st day of every month as our Covenant Day of Trumpets, therefore opening the month for testimonies. (Num 10:10, Ps. 81:1-3);

7) Debt-free Stance

For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, BUT THOU SHALL NOT BORROW; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. - Deu 15:6 (See also Rom 13:8, Prov. 22:7, Matt 6:24 );

None of our covenant fathers was into any form of debt.

God has more than enough for every one of us who care to walk in the covenant. This is why the church has operated a debt-free system till date and that forever;

8) Punctuality & Timeliness

We observe timeliness and punctuality in all our services and operations (Eph 5:16, Col 4:5 );

9) Open Accountability

We insist on open accountability at all levels.

We also observe and practice detailed record keeping in all financial transactions with constant audit checks which have culminated in the out pouring of God's blessings (Lk 16:10-12, Matt 25:14-21 );

10) Discipline

We believe that law and order is fundamental for exploit in life and ministry. We therefore make discipline our practice in all areas of our operations ( 1 Cor 9:25, 2 Tim 2:9 );

11) Decency in Dressing

We believe in the practice of modesty and decency in dressing. This applies to both official and private life. ( 1 Tim 2:9;

12) Pulpit Sanctity

While we believe in the utterance of the Holy Ghost, we insist on pulpit integrity, that is, saying it as it is in preaching or teaching. Refusing to amplify any act or doings of God; seeking only to glorify God.

We also insist on preaching the Word only, both in season and out of season.

We do not preach against other ministries or churches even when provoked. Our position remains no attack no defence (2 Cor 4:1-2, 2 Tim 4:2

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