
Friday, January 3, 2014

THE SUPERNATURAL - Bishop David O. Oyedepo

Every move of GOD is accompanied with supernatural blessings! .. supernatural prosperity! .. supernatural breakthrough!

The supernatural is what gives colour to Christianity!
The supernatural is your identity as a child of GOD!
The supernatural is the natural estate of the redeemed!

The supernatural is the natural realm of everyone that is born again ...
The supernatural is really the hallmark of the Christian faith!
The supernatural does not answer to the quoting of scriptures!

The supernatural is what gives colour to your identity as a believer!
The supernatural is the natural life-style of the believer.

Supernatural placement in the kingdom of God is a function of the operation of a supernatural mentality.
Supernatural faith marks you out as someone people must respect!
Supernatural wisdom is real.

Supernatural wisdom is real .. and that is the wisdom that built Covenant University!
Supernatural wisdom is real .. and that's the wisdom that built Landmark University!

Supernatural wisdom is the carcass that gathers multitude!
Supernatural wisdom is a reality! The New Testament calls it 'the Wisdom of God'
Supernatural lifestyle is your place in redemption!

Intellectual wisdom may bring you promotion, but it takes supernatural wisdom to experience dramatic promotion!

Every move of GOD is accompanied with supernatural blessings! .. supernatural prosperity!
Every child of GOD is born a supernatural being .. and ordained to live a supernatural life!
Every child of God ... has a deposit of supernatural wisdom in him or her.

Every move of GOD is always accompanied by supernatural breakthrough!
Every Divine Visitation culminates in man's supernatural transformation.

New birth.. is a birth into the supernatural realm! .. You are born-again to live the supernatural life!
Redemption makes you a supernatural being .. and ordains you to live a supernatural lifestyle!
You as a believer are a supernatural personality on earth.

The love of GOD is the supernatural lifter of men!
GOD's Word is pregnant with supernatural virtues!
It takes spiritual violence .... to command the supernatural.

Locating your assignment is key to supernatural breakthrough!
Among the wonders of praise is ... supernatural supplies!
God still empowers people today, for supernatural abundance ...

I strongly believe it is your time for supernatural turnaround ..

The more you operate in the supernatural, the greater the attack from the enemy.
Spirituality puts you in command of supernatural supplies!
It takes spiritual violence .... to command the supernatural.

When you are operating supernatural faith, you don't practice how to speak, GOD speaks in you!
Applied revelation is key to your supernatural breakthrough 
Your obedience of faith is key to your supernatural breakthrough! 

The 'voice of the Spirit' is what positions you and I, for supernatural manifestations!
Operating in the supernatural will naturally attract certain challenges.

Wherever you are, get set for your supernatural distinction!
GOD's Word is loaded with wonders! ... GOD's Word is supernatural!

This week... I decree your supernatural entrance into every right word ...

Spiritual violence is a requirement for supernatural triumphs!

Every supernatural manifestation, is rooted to your access to the 'voice of the Lord'!
Every true revelation ... provokes supernatural manifestation!
Every child of GOD is born to live in a supernatural world!

Every genuine revelation provokes supernatural transformation!
Every question in a man's life answers naturally to the supernatural 
Every move of GOD is always accompanied by supernatural breakthroughs ... every move of GOD moves people forward!

Every supernatural breakthrough is traceable to applied revelation!
Every move of GOD, is always accompanied with supernatural prosperity, advancement, upliftment and enlargement!
Every challenge that will ever face any man answers to the authority of the supernatural.

Faith is a sure foundation for supernatural manifestations.
Great faith will put you in command of the supernatural.  
One right turn can trigger a Supernatural Turnaround in your life!

When you stop thinking naturally... you start to command supernatural results!
Prayer is a platform for supernatural empowerment.
We must actively engage the HOLY Spirit to command supernatural growth!

One vital force for unlocking the supernatural is the force of testimony!

Give no more room to the devil .. for it is finally your turn to experience a supernatural turnaround!

Never sit down to read the Book without pleading the BLOOD of JESUS, for supernatural access into the honey of it!

Spirituality is key to true prosperity ... it puts you in command of supernatural supplies!

If you are not operating on the wavelength of the supernatural, then you are not a believer!

It is impossible for you to operate in the supernatural without attracting the anger or fury of the kingdom of darkness.

There is no supernatural faith without a Word-foundation!
Until you have overcome temptations, you are not a candidate for supernatural manifestations!

Unlocking the supernatural! .. 'And He healed them all' .. and He is the same yesterday, today and forever .. Hebrews 13:8

The fear of the Lord guarantees you access to supernatural supplies. 
The love of GOD intoxicates the believer ... it empowers you to live a supernatural life!
The Word of God is the rod for doing signs, it's the rod for doing the supernatural!

And visions and revelations are the forces that empower us to experience supernatural breakthroughs.
'Praise me', He said, 'And I will step in. And when I step in, I will deliver your desires and supernatural victory.'

Divine Wisdom is a product of supernatural interpretation of scriptures by the Holy Ghost!

You are born-again to live in the supernatural realm of life!

Testimonies are powerful tools for provoking the supernatural
One of the vital forces for unlocking the supernatural is the force of testimony.

Every child of GOD is born a supernatural being!
Somebody is going to experience a supernatural relieve from every satanic hold ... this week!

The Giving Covenant confers supernatural fruitfulness

Zion is a mountain of the supernatural manifestations of the Power of God.

There is nothing we are pushing mechanically here... everything is on a supernatural frequency.

Among the blessings of soul-winning .. is Supernatural Wisdom!

The Law of Gratitude is the force behind supernatural fruitfulness.

Everytime you believe the prophecy of scriptures,you provoke supernatural manifestations in your life!

And obedience is the covenant gateway to supernatural abundance
Sanctification is what triggers the flow of supernatural breakthroughs in our lives!

A cardinal step in the release of the supernatural is the production of sound.
Praise is a supernatural lifter! .. Whilst others are struggling and running, I see you flying in the Name of Jesus!

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