
Monday, May 26, 2014


BY David O. Oyedepo
Holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience (1 Timothy 3:9)
Understanding the mystery of faith is the greatest discovery in our adventure as believers. This is because faith is an unstoppable force in the realm of the Spirit and whatever cannot stop God cannot stop faith from having its way. Furthermore, what faith does is to tap into the power of God to deliver our desires.

Hitherto, we have been looking at the subject Unveiling the Mystery of Faith and have examined some definitions of faith, why faith is a mystery and the channels through which we build our faith. This week, we shall be examining how to engage the mystery of faith.
As we all know, the subject of faith cannot be overemphasized because, it is what determines our ultimate triumph in all conflicts of life. As it is written: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith (Mark 11:23).
But, what is faith?
- Faith is a spiritual force within a man that determines his noticeable triumphs. The woman with the issue of blood said in her heart, "If I may but touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole." When she did, Jesus responded to her by saying: ...Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole... (Matthew9:21-22).
Thus, faith is built up within (the heart) and goes to generate undeniable testimonies without. Every genuine faith will always result in good report or it is fake (Hebrews 11:1-2).
As it is written: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Roman 10:10).
- Also, faith is that spiritual force that provokes the healing power of God, which makes the sick whole. There is no medication that makes perfectly whole; they only aid our relief. Only faith in God makes perfectly whole and that, without any side effects (Mathew 14:36; Acts3:16).
- Furthermore, faith is a spiritual force that quenches all the fiery darts of the devil-whether occults, witches, wizards or generational curses. As it is written: Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16). Therefore, to stop the devil from molesting our destiny, we need the armoury of faith to block the way against the enemy.
Why do we need to develop our Personal Faith?
Just as we cannot attain salvation by someone else's faith, we cannot excel in life on anyone's faith. Thus, the need to develop our individual faith cannot be overemphasized.
It is commanded: Just as we need our human heart to stay alive, we also need our faith to stay alive. We need our personal faith to live a triumphant life, because the Bible says "the just shall live by (his own) faith." Therefore, triumphant Christian living is impossible without faith (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11and Hebrew 10:38).
It is the access to our inheritance in Christ: We have a goodly heritage in Christ, but we need faith to access it. We understand from scripture that God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, but they are delivered through the knowledge of Christ and it is that knowledge that engenders faith, which gives us access to our inheritance (2Peter1:3).
For our desired personal victory, triumph and conquest: Most of life's battles are confronted individually; hence, we need to build our faith personally. It is written: For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (1John 5:4).
For instance, Daniel conquered the lions by his faith, because he believed in his God. Also, the three Hebrew boys overcame the fiery furnace by their faith, which was shown in their absolute trust in God. Therefore, our victory, triumph and conquest can only be actualized by our personal faith (Daniel 3:28; 6:23).
For our personal breakthroughs: The trans-generational breakthrough of Abraham is a product of the discovery of the mystery of faith. Concerning him, it was written:
What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness (Romans 4:1-3).
Therefore, our breakthrough tomorrow is engendered by our faith today, because it is what we believe that we are empowered to become.
For fulfilment of prophecies: Every prophecy is at the mercy of our faith. No prophecy is fulfilled because of the validity of its source, although that is essential, but on the solidity of our faith. There are many prophetic words spoken to us, but they will only deliver on the platform of our personal faith.
...blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord (Luke 1:45).
For our healing and deliverance: We draw virtue from God for healing and deliverance by faith. Jesus said, "According to your faith, be it unto you." Therefore, our healing delivers on personal faith (Luke 8:40-48).
It confers authority on the believer: Our depth of faith is what defines our level of authority. Faith confers on us spiritual authority, thereby changing our level of command (Mark4:37-39).
For our desired miracles, signs and wonders: Everything answers to faith. It is written: And these signs shall follow
them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17; Mark 9:23).
But, how, does Faith deliver Signs and Wonders?
It engenders turnaround at old age (Hebrew 11:11).
It gives us command over elements (Joshua 10:12-14; 1Kings17:1).
It can calm the storms of life (Mark4:36-41).
It can heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases (James 5:15).
How Faith Grows
We must understand that our faith has unlimited capacity for growth, but revelation is the platform for this growth. It is the spiritual understanding of the truth that builds faith. That is, being able to see what God is saying concerning you, as it is a known fact, that no man doubts what he sees (1 Thessalonians 1:3).
But, how, does Revelation come?
Through the Holy Ghost: He opens scriptures to us directly as illustrated in John 14:26.
Meditation: This is vital access because, it boosts our understanding (Proverbs 18:1).
Through the Ministry of anointed 'Phillips': They are sent to help expand our understanding of the truth, especially on the subject of faith. We can connect to them by learning at their feet, listening to their tapes, CDs and reading their books (Acts 8:27-37; Daniel 9:2).
Through praying in the Holy Ghost:
We can pray into realms of revelation that builds our faith to greater levels (Jude 1:20;Jeremiah 33:3).
How, then, does Faith Deliver?
The mystery of faith only delivers on a pure conscience. This is the reason for the frustration of many who claim to have faith. It is written:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings(Jeremiah 17:9-10).
Remember, faith is either absolute or it is fake. God either remains our only source of expectation or we remain in an adventure of frustration. Whatever we add to our faith in God renders it null and void. Therefore, if Jesus is not enough for us, nothing will ever be enough (Psalm 62:5; James 1:6-8).
It is written: Their sorrow shall multiply that hasten after another god: their drink offering of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips (Psalm 16:4).
Faith only delivers on absolute dependency on God and His Word. God said to me, "Any time you are looking unto man, never claim to be looking unto Me. But if you will fix your eyes on Me, you will never be ashamed" (Psalm 34:5).
Therefore, we must beware of these four distractive strategies of the enemy that renders our faith of no effect:
Beware of trusting other gods: God will never share His glory with anyone. When we trust in other gods, He turns His back on us. Most of us are victims, because we have something hidden at the corner of our houses or we rely on someone somewhere for solution (Exodus 20:4-5).
Relying on other gods will only complicate our situation. As long as we are double minded, we remain frustrated, so focus on God (Psalm 16:4; James 1:7-8).
Beware of trusting in men: Man is utterly limited, only God is unlimited. When a man takes us up, we can only get to where his hands can reach. But, when the everlasting arms of God lifts us, He takes us far above where any man can get (Isaiah 31:1-3).
Beware of trusting in 'self': We must not trust in our strength, skills or expertise; for by strength shall no man prevail (Ecclesiastics 9:11; 1Samuel2:9).
Beware of playing games or gimmicks: There is nothing we want to get through cheating that we are not bigger than; it is just a matter of time. Any blessing we cannot testify boldly of is a risk(Jeremiah 17:11).
In conclusion, we must understand that every provision of the Kingdom is freely accessible to us, and every day is God's day to bless us, but the day we believe is our own day. This is because faith is a universal currency that commands the same value in all nations of the earth. Therefore, receive the Spirit of faith to freely access all of your inheritance in Christ. Remain ever blessed!
Divine Healings!
"On February 28, I became seriously ill. I took medications for ulcer, which I thought was the challenge, as a result of the fast I underwent during the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) program.

After a week of medication without improvement, I went for a scan and it was diagnosed that I had pelvic inflammatory disease. I took treatment for a month, after which I was admitted in the hospital. Three days later, a gynaecologist confirmed that I would need to undergo a major operation. At that time, I had done 19 test and two scans.

Then, I read two books authored by the Bishop-Born to Win and Winning Invisible Battles. From those books, I realized I was a child of God and had grace to be healed. I told the doctor that I would not be operated upon and checked out of the hospital.
The following week, I met with the Bishop who laid hands and prayed for me. When I got home, I was in serious pain. That night, I had a dream where I saw the Bishop and he told me that all I needed to do each time I felt pain was to praise God. He laid his hand on my left hand and said "lati oni lo, o ni se akobata fun egbe mo." (From today, you won't serve your mates). Then, I woke up.

True to that word, each time I praised God, the pains left me. On April 6, during the Miracle Job Banquet, I got a word and God healed me. Today, I am strong!

Also, last month, my menses that ceased for some months was restored, I can now gas and I was healed of a month pile. I give God all the glory!"
--- Esther Matthew
Strange Ailment
Disappeared via the Communion!
"In 2009, I had a strange ailment while in school, which affected my joints and made it impossible for me to stand for more than 45 minutes. I went to several hospitals and spiritual centres, all in search of solution.

At the hospital, it was diagnosed as lumbago but at the spiritual centres, I was told that my stepmother was sucking my blood. Although I was given some drugs and concoctions to drink, this strange illness persisted.

By divine intervention, I met a sister who is a Cell Minister on my street and she encouraged me to join the Winners' family. I attended all the services including the youth fellowship, and also attended the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) and the Believers' Foundation Class. Last Sunday, I sowed a dangerous seed and partook of the Communion. Thereafter, the ailment disappeared. To God be the glory!"
--- lkonne Nwache Blessing
Continuous Flow of blood Ceased!
"I joined this Commission in July 2013.
For five years, I suffered from a continuous flow of blood. I went to several hospitals both in Lagos and outside of Lagos, all to no avail.

When I confided in my fiancé, he invited me to this Church and encouraged me to attend the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI). Towards the end of the programme, we were told to write our prayer requests; which, I did.

On August 25, I believed God for a miracle. Towards the end of the first service, the Bishop said, 'This week, you will be singing a new song.' When I got home, I sang several songs in different dialects for two hours and fell asleep.

When I woke up, there was no trace of blood. Since that month till now, my period has been normal. I give God all the glory!"
--- Evangeline Onyekachi
Dead jerked back to life!
"I was a Muslim before God brought me into His marvellous light. During the month of Signs and Wonders, the Bishop said in a service that while we go about preaching the gospel, the Lord would confirm His Word with signs following and that by our hand, the dead would rise. I shouted, "Amen!"

Last Friday, during one of our outreaches, we got to where we usually rounded up to give God thanks and behold, a man laid dead in a pool of water. People stood in clusters and the police was also there.

When we drew closer, a voice said to me 'Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.' Then, my faith became strong. I told my evangelism team to gather around him and they did. I still had some of the flyers we shared-three months turnaround testimonies and striking encounters with the God of liberation. So, I placed them on his chest and the one on Jesus heals the sick, I placed in-between his toes. We gave God thanks because Jesus gave thanks.

While in thanksgiving, a voice told me to get water, which I did. I looked into it and said 1 Lord, in the beginning the earth was without form and void and Your Spirit moved upon the deep. Let that same Spirit move upon this water; for the body profiteth nothing, it is the Spirit that quickeneth the body. Let the Spirit upon this water quicken this body now in the name of Jesus! 1 I sprinkled it upon him and behold, his leg shook. When I sprinkled the water again, his mouth opened and the Holy Ghost directed me to pour the water inside. So, I did and his chest jerked up.

Immediately, the voice spoke to me again and I said, •come up!1 Behold, the young man jerked to his feet. After the ministration, he gave his life to Christ. He is currently in Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) for the Basic Certificate Course (BCC). We give God
the glory!"
---Abraham Adams
Supernatural Employment!
"For three years, I believed God for a miracle job. I graduated in 2010 and finished my youth service in 2011. I travelled to Jos, Yola and Abuja in search of a job, but to no avail.
Last month, I applied for an employment visa in Dubai. When I got there, I discovered that Iwas given a tourist visa, instead of an employment visa.

Thereafter, I visited several offices in Dubai to secure a job. Two weeks ago, I was arrested in Dubai for not tagging in a bus, which I did twice. I was detained and later released at 12 midnight. When I got home, I checked my E-mail and saw that I had been invited for an interview slated for May 10.

I attended the interview and was employed that same day. They also promised to send my employment visa this week. I give God all the glory!"
---Akinyemi Adebayo Micheal
Divine Job!
"In December 2013, I relocated from  Abuja to Lagos. When I came, I had no job. I joined this Commission in January 2014. During the Career Breakthrough Service, the Bishop prophesied that somebody would get a job that would defy protocol. I keyed into that.

To the glory of God, I have a job and protocols were suspended on my behalf. Praise the Lord!"
--- Bethel Ndubusi
- As the Lord lives, this is your week of testimonies!
- Every yoke in your life is destroyed today!
- This week is declared your week of wonders!
- Everyone on the line for miracle breakthroughs, this week is your week!
- Every serpent buffeting your body, business and destiny, I declare their heads smashed!
- From today, you will never see shame again in your life!
- You are singing a new song today!
- God is stepping into your affairs today!
- Everything that seems impossible in your life will start working right now in your favour!
- Whatever is not of God in your system is consumed with unquenchable fire!
- You will never beg in your life again!

(Excerpts from “Signs & Wonders Today”, A Weekly Publication By FAITH TABERNACLE, Canaan Land, Ota,Nigeria - MAY 25, 2014) 

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