
Monday, May 12, 2014


Thanksgiving inspire hope and instigates faith and establishes trust. 
Your thanksgiving, gives wings for your prayers to fly, thanksgiving is appreciation in anticipation!
Every prayer life remains barren without a full manifestation of thanksgiving as an addiction!

Prayer maybe rejected, but thanksgiving is never rejected. 

You may pray amiss, but you cannot thank GOD amiss.

The promise is obtainable but only by doing the will of God.. which is thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is always right, thanksgiving is always good.
The good news is this: Thanksgiving is never late.
One thing that you can never do too much is thanksgiving, thanks-givers are good doers.

Thanksgiving inspire hope and instigates faith and establishes trust.  
In any case, are you a debtor to God in thanksgiving?  

After this thanksgiving, whatever you say in faith, shall be delivered instant-er!

You will never enjoy connectivity in prayers without thanksgiving!
You are powerless in prayers without thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving is what empowers your prayers to results.
May the spirit of gratitude, the spirit of thanksgiving be your portion from this day!
Things anticipated never get delivered without thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving will do all that faith will do if not more.
Why must we give thanks? To escape captivity!
Thanksgiving gives you an encounter with GOD!  
The number one thing to do to provoke the spirit of thanksgiving is, Check yourself!

Why must we give thanks? GOD demands it, because He deserves it! Thanksgiving is demanded of GOD!
Why Do We Give Thanks? Thanksgiving turns our captivities!  

Thanksgiving secures Heaven's attention, it provokes Divine Intervention, and delivers your answer in a grand-style!
Remember, nothing is ever late with thanksgiving.
Remember, no one ever get stranded with thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is not acceptable unless it comes from your heart!
No one ever gets stranded with thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is one of the spiritual weapons for making things happen!
Thanksgiving and PRAISE is your spiritual green card, in the dreamland of the kingdom!
Why are we thanking GOD? Thanksgiving is a debt that we owe GOD!
It takes giving with a grateful heart to enjoy abundance, thanksgiving qualifies you for fresh unction.
Why are we thanking GOD? Thanksgiving is a way of acknowledging receipt of what GOD has done for us!

Thanksgiving is a spiritual debt we owe and must be paid or we stand the risk of being tormented .. Jeremiah 13:15-17.
Everybody must strive for a change of level, thanksgiving matters most to God in granting you access to His throne.
Thanksgiving entitles us to fresh oil.
We need to engage the weapon of thanksgiving, to secure audience and response from GOD.
Thanksgiving is about what has happened, praise is about what must happen!

Thanksgiving is about the acts of GOD!
Is there any unfinished business in your life? Engage thanksgiving from today.  

Well, the blessedness of thanksgiving will be your portion this week! It is done!  

Remember, it may appear stinking now; thanksgiving will turn it to sweet smelling savor.

Thanksgiving is a spiritual sacrifice and the altar of spiritual sacrifice is an altar of turnaround.

(The above are excerpts from utterances by God's servants Bishop David O. Abioye, Bishop Thomas Aremu, Pastor Abraham Ojeme, Pastor Dele Bamgboye, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Bishop David O. Oyedepo on the subject of THANKSGIVING)

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