
Sunday, June 26, 2016

OPERATION POSSESS THE LAND 2016 – Intercessory Prayer Guidelines


OPERATION POSSESS THE LAND 2016 – Intercessory Prayer Guidelines

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, let minimum Ten Souls follow every winner to church during this Operation Possess the Land, and establish each of them both in the faith and in this church – Zech. 8:23

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the possession of everywhere the sole of our feet shall tread upon all through Operation Possess the Land – Jos. 1:3

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a repeat of Pentecost in this church, all through Operation Possess the Land as multitudes turn to Christ and this church – Acts 2:1/41

4. Father, in the name of Jesus, ignite the zeal of your house in the heart of every Winner for the full delivery of ‘Operation Possess the Land’ prophetic agenda – Jer. 20:9.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus, stir up the spirit of every Winner to engage passionately in Operation Possess the Land, thereby changing our levels supernaturally – Hag. 1:14

6. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of reaper-angels to engage fully in the execution of Operation Possess the Land prophetic agenda Matt. 13:39

7. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause this Church to experience supernatural growth during this Operation Possess the Land, after the order the of Acts of the Apostles, that will baffle human understanding – Acts 13:44

8. Father, in the name of Jesus, the master builder of the church, let this church be minimum twice its April average Sunday attendance by Sunday, 26th of June, 2016 – Matt. 16:18

9. Father, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, which has divine capacity to render double, let this church be minimum twice its April average Sunday attendance by Sunday, 26th of June, 2016 – Zech. 9:11-12

10.Father, by the power of the Holy Ghost, let this church be minimum twice its April average Sunday attendance by Sunday, 26th of June, 2016 – Is. 61:7

11. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the operation of the reaper-angels, let this church be minimum twice its April average Sunday attendance by Sunday, 26th of June, 2016 – Matt. 13:39

12. Father, in the name of Jesus, let this church be minimum twice its April average Sunday attendance by Sunday, 26th of June, 2016 – Ezek. 36:37

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, let this church yet experience new dimensions of growth, far above all we ever knew, all through this season of Operation Possess the Land – Ezek. 36:37

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, give us the heathens for our inheritance and the utter most part of the earth for our possession all through Operation possess the land – Ps. 2:8

15. Father, let the Holy Ghost take over our harvest field, convicting, converting and establishing in the faith, all that will be reached out to, all through Operation Possess the Land – Jn. 16:8-11

16.Father, by the Holy Ghost, grant supernatural boldness to everyone on the go for Christ across our harvest field all through Operation Possess the Land, resulting in mass salvation of souls and signs and wonders – Acts 14:3

17. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every incursion of the gates of hell against the full delivery of Operation Possess the Land – Isa. 59:19

18.Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Winner with grace for steadfastness in stewardship towards Operation Possess the Land unto the point of rewards – 1 Cor. 15:58

19.Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit take over our harvest field to fully deliver Operation Possess the Land Prophetic Agenda – Zech. 4:6

20. Father, in the name of Jesus, fire up the zeal of your house into the heart of every winner towards the full delivery of the Operation Possess the Land – Ps. 69:9

21. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit 'Whistle' across our harvest field, thereby compelling the ingathering of multitudes into this church all through Operation Possess the Land – Isa. 5:26

22. Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Cell in this church for supernatural growth resulting into replication in fulfilment of the June 25, 2016 prophetic set date – Jer. 30:19

23. Father, in the name of Jesus, empower all our cell ministers afresh for impact, resulting in supernatural replication of all our cells in fulfilment of the June 25, 2016 prophetic set date – Is. 41:15

24. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell into a solution center where every member’s need is supernaturally met – Matt. 18:19/ Zeph. 3:17

25. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell member into a sign and a wonder, thereby drawing many into the cells and into this church – Zech. 8:23

26. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn all cell members into active disciples of Christ, thereby bringing many into the cells and the church Jn. 4:29/39

27. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every cell minister be empowered by the Holy Ghost to effectively drive the cell explosion mandate of the year – Acts 10:38

28. Father, in the name of Jesus, empower all our cell ministers afresh for supernatural impact, thereby bringing multitudes into the cells and into this church all through this prophetic agenda – Jn. 5:35

29. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost take over our harvest field, convicting, converting and establishing in the faith all that will be reached out to all through Operation Possess the Land – Jn. 16:8-11

30. Father, by the Blood of Jesus, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the full delivery of Operation Possess the Land – Rev. 12:11

31. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be an eruption of signs and wonders in all our services, all through this season of Operation Possess the Land, thereby drawing multitudes into the kingdom and into this church – Acts 5:12/14

32. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree hitch-free movement for all worshippers in and out of church all through Operation Possess the Land. – Ps. 105:13-15

33. Father, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, let this church be invaded by multitudes of men and women for their salvation, deliverance and breakthroughs all through Operation Possess the Land – Zech. 9:11-12

34. Father, in the name of Jesus, fulfil the word of your prophet all through Operation Possess the Land by turning this church to a city without walls – Zech. 2:4-5

35. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost come down as a 'Mighty Rushing Wind', drafting unprecedented multitudes into church all through Operation Possess the Land Num. 11:31

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo
President, Living Faith Church Worldwide
a.k.a Winners’ Chapel International
Canaanland, Ota-Lagos, Nigeria.

NOTE: This Operation Possess the Land intercessory prayer guideline is to be used along with other three of our current intercessory guidelines:

1. From Glory to Glory 2016 Winners’ Intercessory Prayer Guidelines

2. New Convert Retainership Intercessory Guidelines and

3. Intercessory Guidelines Towards Fruitful Outreaches.

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