
Sunday, July 31, 2016


Supernatural Church Growth Intercessory Prayer Guidelines

“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” – Is. 66:7-8


Praying for Explosive Church Growth

1. Father, by the blood of Jesus, give us the heathens for our inheritance and the utter most part of the earth for our possession all through this prophetic season - Ps. 2:8
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season – Acts 2:6/41
3. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest field, appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church – Acts 10:3/34-35
4. Father, by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life during this prophetic season be released and established in this church - Acts 13:48
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel, cast his sharp sickle into our harvest field, to thoroughly reap every soul ordained for salvation all through this prophetic season - Rev. 14:14/16
6. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we cast out every evil beast seeking to manipulate our new converts, new members from being established in this church all through this prophetic season - Ezek. 34:25
7. Father, in the name of Jesus, send your reaper-angels into our harvest filed, mobilizing multitudes into this church for their salvation and deliverance all through this prophetic season – Matt. 13:39.
8. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders and mighty deeds in our services all through this prophetic season resulting in massive influx of souls into this church- Acts 5:12/14
9. Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning Winners Chapel Int. Amsterdam into a city without walls all through this prophetic season – Acts 13:44
10. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this church all through this prophetic season and beyond in the name of Jesus Rev. 12:11
11. Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Cell in this church for supernatural growth resulting into further replication of the cell all through this prophetic season – Jer. 30:19
12. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell into a solution center where every member’s need shall continue to be supernaturally met – Zeph. 3:17
13. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell member into a sign and a wonder, thereby drafting more souls into the cells and into this church – Zech. 8:23
14. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every cell minister be empowered by the Holy Ghost to effectively drive the cell replication agenda of the year – Acts 10:38


Praying for the Increase of the Word.
15. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of fresh and life transforming Word in all our services, that will gather and retain multitudes in this church all through this prophetic season - Ps. 23:2
16. Father, send us the rain of your life-transforming word, thereby establishing all our new converts and new members in the faith and in this church all through this prophetic season – Jn 6:66:68
17. Father, let divine utterance be granted to every minister of the word in this church, leading to supernatural church growth all through this prophetic season and beyond Acts 19:20
18. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous flow of the word through our pastors, leading to supernatural impact on the lives of all worshippers – 2Thess. 3:1
19. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous increase of the word from our altar in this prophetic season, leading to supernatural increase of the church – Acts 6:7
20. Father, unveil the right word for your people in every service resulting in turnaround testimonies for every worshipper all through this prophetic season – Job 6:25
21. Father, in the name of Jesus, send us the word in season in every service resulting in all round rest for every worshipper all through this prophetic season – Isa. 50:4
Praying for our New Converts

22. Father, let the Holy Ghost, direct all our new converts, new members, and those in possession of our gospel tracts, to this church as their city of refuge, and thereby abide here – 2Sam. 7:10
23. Father, in this prophetic season, we decree the liberty of all our new converts from all forms of bondages, spells, enchantments and generational curses, so they can abide in this church – Num. 23:23
24. Father, in this prophetic season, let your angels protect and preserve all our new converts and new members from all assaults of the enemy, so they can abide in this church – Exo. 23:20.
25. Father, in this prophetic season, let the voice of the Holy Spirit silence every voice of the stranger seeking to manipulate our new converts and new members from coming to this church and be established here – Jn. 10:5
26. Father, in the name of Jesus, open up the glorious destiny of all our new converts all through this prophetic season, thereby leading others to salvation – Rom. 8:29-30
27. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn all our new converts and new members into instant and active disciples of Christ, thereby leading many to Christ – Jn. 4:29/39
28. Father, in the name of Jesus, give every one of our new converts and new members in this church a testimony of “once I was blind, now I can see’’, so that they can be established in the faith and in this church – Jn. 9:25

Praying for Fruitful Outreaches

29. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy all satanic strongholds against the salvation of all that are ordained unto eternal life across our harvest field all through this prophetic season Exo. 12:12-13
30. Father, by the blood of Jesus, grant supernatural wisdom to everyone on the go for Christ all through this prophetic season, thereby turning many to righteousness – Dan. 12:3
31. Father, in the name of Jesus, in this prophetic season, send your reaper-angels to take over our harvest field, thereby drafting multitudes into this church for their salvation, deliverance and breakthroughs – Matt. 13:39
32. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of your angels to the highways and hedges, compelling the influx of multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season – Matt. 13:39
33. Father, in this prophetic season, let the Holy Ghost take over our harvest field, convicting and converting multitudes as we reach out in love for their salvation – Jn. 16:8-11
34. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit 'Whistle' across our harvest field, thereby compelling the ingathering of multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season – Isa. 5:26
35. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your reaper-angels appear to all the unsaved across our harvest field in visions and dreams of the night, pointing them to this church for their salvation Acts 10:3/34-35

Praying for our Members

36. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be diverse quantum leaps for every Winner throughout this year as prophesied – Num. 23:19
37. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every Winner to a passionate and tireless soul winner, so we can be supernaturally blessed in return all through this prophetic season – Jn. 4:35-36
38. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every Winner into men and women of exploits after the order of Daniel, this quarter – Dan. 12:3
39. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be strange order of healings and deliverances in our midst in our services all through this prophetic season – Job 33:21-25
40. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone that desires to be married in the Winners’ family be supernaturally connected to their God’s ordained spouse as a reward for such individual engagement in this prophetic season –Ps 68:6
41. Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally restore the glory and colour of every Winner all through this prophetic season, thereby leading many to Christ – Zech. 8:23
42. Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every Winner to a sign and a wonder all through this prophetic season, thereby drawing many to the kingdom and into this church – Zech. 8:20-23
43. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree business and career breakthrough for every Winner all through this prophetic season – Ps. 1:3
44. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone called barren in the winners’ family become a joyful mother of children this year through diverse encounters in this prophetic season – Ps. 113:9
45. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone on the line for miracle job be gainfully employed through diverse encounters in this prophetic season – Matt. 6:33
46. Father, in this prophetic season, visit every challenged Winner with their desired turnaround, thereby restoring them back into this church – Gen. 21:1
47. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy every incursion of hell against the restoration and settlement of every Challenged Winner in this church all through this prophetic season – Rev. 12:11

Praying for our Sunday Services

48. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to wait upon all new converts of the year and every challenged Winner, mobilizing them to appear in this church next Sunday for their restoration and breakthroughs – Matt. 26:53
49. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost come down as a 'Mighty Rushing Wind', drafting unprecedented multitudes into this church next Sunday – Num. 11:31
50. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the ears of every unsaved soul across our harvest field continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit this week and be drafted to this Church next Sunday – Is. 5:26
51. Father, by the blood of Jesus, we decree hitch-free movement for all worshippers in and out of church this coming Sunday – Ps. 105:13-15
52. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest field, appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church for their salvation next Sunday – Acts 10:3/34-35
53. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit breathe upon all our fliers and tracts, thereby drafting multitudes into this church next Sunday – Jn. 6:63.
54. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost sweep across our harvest field with strong waves of convictions and conversions, thereby drawing multitudes into this church next Sunday – Jn. 16:7-8.
55. Father, by the blood of Jesus, as you gather multitudes to our special service(s) of next Sunday, grant every worshipper an encounter with your word for their desired turnarounds – Is. 9:8

Praying for Leadership

56. Father, in the name of Jesus, renew the apostolic seal upon your servant, resulting in signs, wonders and mighty deeds amongst the people – 2Cor. 12:12
57. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue leadership at all levels, with wisdom from above, resulting in the continuous growth and expansion of this church – Is. 33:6
58. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue the Apostle over this Commission with divine wisdom, in leading this on-going revival – Eccl. 10:10
59. Father, in the name of Jesus, renew the prophetic unction on the life of your servant in our midst, as you continue to confirm every word of His mouth this year – Is. 44:26
60. Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to unveil the pattern for the sustenance of this on-going revival to your servant, as he leads the flock this year – Heb. 8:5
Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo
President, Living Faith Church Worldwide,
a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel International Inc.
Canaanland, Ota-Lagos.

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